Monday, September 30, 2019

A Parallel Between Isabella and Hamlet

Isabella is a woman with a seemingly over pious regard to herself and her virginity, placing the same over an individual’s life and liberty. This is made evident in her statement â€Å"Then, Isabel, live chaste, and, brother, die: More than our brother is our chastity (Measure for measure 2.4.197-198).†She thus relates how she finds her chastity to be worth more than her relations and certainly worth more than life itself. In the following words she further expresses what torment it would be to continue life with chastity and purity taken from her: â€Å"And 'twere the cheaper way:  Better it were a brother died at once, than that a sister, by redeeming him, should die for ever (Measure for measure 2.4.114-117).†She thus likens such life to dying each day that she woke up. However, she fails to take into account that this was the crime that her own brother was jailed for. Should she then beg for his freedom thinking he was not liable for his wrong when she woul d thus consider the act if committed to her to odorous to live with? Certainly, if her brother is to be justified on account of his love then she too would in the same way be absolved of any fault in acceding to Angelo’s request on account of her love for her own brother, her own flesh and blood.Isabella’s decision is quite contrary to that of Hamlet’s. Hamlet having seen and heard of the unjust manner in which his father was slain puts aside his own self in order to take up the latter’s revenge. This is marked quite true in his words:I'll wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past, That youth and observation copied there; And thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain. (Hamlet 1.5.104-108)With a focus on the heinous crime that has been committed against his murdered father, Hamlet commits himself to right the same wrong at whatever cost it might bring upon himself. He throws aside the purity of a nephew bound to his uncle by kinship ties. He even discards the purity that is required of him as a prince and son, subservient to his King and Queen mother.In both the cases of Isabella and Hamlet they are handed the power to decide the fate of persons they confess to love. Isabella and Hamlet both are left to release their brother and father respectively from chains that constrain them from freedom.In Isabella's case her brother was bound in jail and threatened with death while in Hamlet’s his father’s spirit was bound to earth given to unrest for the spell of eternity. With Angelo’s confession of lust he relinquished all wisdom in deciding the conviction of Isabella’s brother, â€Å"redeem thy brother by yielding up thy body to my will; or else he must not only die the death, but thy unkindness shall his death draw out to lingering sufferance (Measure for measure 2.4.177-180).†Hamlet is given the same sole power to achieve his f ather’s freedom given that he was the only one to whom the ghost spoke regarding his murder.Both were required to commit acts wrong in themselves in order to accomplish the freedoms spoken of – Isabella was required to submit to Angelo’s lust while Hamlet was required to commit murder. Whereas Hamlet readily acceded the fault that would be borne by his own hands, Isabella resolutely refused to do the same. Once again the conclusion that the loss of a woman’s chastity was more heinous an offense than the taking of a person’s life was communicated in Shakespeare’s words.ReferencesShakespeare, W. (1997). Hamlet. In Greenblatt, S., Cohen, W., Howard, J. E., and Maus, K. E. (Ed.). The Norton Shakespeare Based On The Oxford Edition. New York: W. W. Norton.Shakespeare, W. (1997). Measure for Measure. In Greenblatt, S., Cohen, W., Howard, J. E., and Maus, K. E. (Ed.). The Norton Shakespeare Based On The Oxford Edition. New York: W. W. Norton.   

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Counseling Case Study Essay

Introduction – Robert is a 46 years old high functioning male. He just recently got divorced and he self-referred himself for counseling. On the first session, he denied any of problems between him and his wife. He doesn’t seem painful about living away from his children. He didn’t describe well about his feelings and emotions. Therefore, we will mainly use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT builds a set of skills that enables an individual to be aware of thoughts and emotions; identify how situations, thoughts, and behaviors influence emotions; and improve feelings by changing dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors. Once he gets to know him better, he will see more improvement. Treatment Plan – Problem: 1. Lack of relationship with children 2. Have not notice the reasons about recent divorce 3. Avoidance, denial and isolation 4. Possibility of low self-esteem 5. Highly functional at work and outside the house only Goals: 1. Increase self-worth, self-value and self-image 2. Develop the ways to have fun 3. Recovery the relationship with ex-wife for himself and his children Plan: 1. Assigned homework – making plan for weekend activity 2. Develop a relationship with his children 3. Writing journal about his feelings 4. Self-evaluation(find what kind type of person, what he likes) Conclusion Divorce is 2nd stressful change in life.(1st is of Death of spouse) Client needs time for adjusting changes. Even though he is high functioning, he is having a hard time coping with his divorce that he claims was unexpected and  to him everything was fine. During this case study we came to an understanding on what he think is important and what he will be willing to work on. He will be given homework and will journal about his feelings, what he would like to improve and the type of relationship he wants to develop with his children. He will be given the proper tools on how to manage his coping skills and will learn to validate how hard his changes are going to be. We will monitor his progress and decide what type of adjustment is going to be needed for his recovery. Resource (Reference) Jeffery A. Cully, PH.D. & Andra L. Teten, PH.D. A Therapist’s guide to brief cognitive behavioral therapy Meeting with Military & Family Life Counselor â€Å"Dee Moriaty†

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Curriculum

The curriculum is the goal, or outcome that is desired to be achieved through the instruction. For the instruction to be successful, there needs to be a linear set of standards, or objectives that need to be taught and be assessed to achieve the desired goal of the lesson. There are three main types of objectives that need to be addressed when designing a lesson: Program objective, learning objective, and performance objective. Before addressing these three concepts, there is a need to define the goal(s) of stated objectives. Goals Gagne' (1988) states, â€Å"Education goals are statements of the outcomes of education† (p. 41). The goal of instruction is to impart a knew skill, capability or concept in a measurable manner. Goals are the expected result of instruction. In the example assigned to this paper, the goal of the course is to teach instructors how to best utilize technology in the classroom with the use of laptops and iPads. Objectives Whereas goals are the destination of the instruction, objectives are the means of getting there. As stated previously, objectives are a set of standards that are to be met through instruction and assessment. Objectives and Goals 4 Program Objectives Program objectives define what content is to be used in the lesson, the time-line for instruction, and what tools and media will be used to achieve the instructional goal. In our example of iPad and laptop instruction, first the instructor needs to evaluate the class and determine what their skills with computers and iPads are. There may not be a need to cover some of the instruction or there may be a need for some skill building before the planned instruction can start. The instructor also needs to have a time frame, in which the class can reasonably follow, for the lesson progression. Whether it is measured in hours, days, or weeks, the learners need to know how much time they have to learn the skill before assessment is administered. The instructor also needs to have a plan on which operating systems, software and apps will be used in the instruction and instruct teachers how to integrate them into their lessons. In recent years, schools have gone more tech oriented and teachers need instruction on how to incorporate the devices into the learning process. In short, the program objectives are to teach instructors, in a timely fashion, how to: use laptops and iPads for designing lessons, incorporating technology into existing lessons, maintaining and updating devices, and familiarizing instructors with apps and programs so they can better utilize the technology. Learning Objectives Learning objectives come in many terms such as benchmark, standard, and performance indicator. Whichever term is used, the intended purpose of the learning objectives is to define what the student is expected to learn. According to (2018), â€Å"Learning objectives Objectives and Goals 5 should break down the task and focus on specific cognitive processes†. Learning objectives give structure to the program objectives through defining the specific skills and knowledge to be learned and how the lessons will be sequenced. Stating only that the instructors will learn to and understand how to use an iPad is not an example of a learning objective. Learning objectives are specific knowledge and skills that are targeted for learning. Examples for this would include: selecting and deploying the appropriate applications, managing the steady flow of updates, assigning and submitting assignments electronically, and how to diversify the lessons to accommodate students' learning needs. Sequencing would also be addressed by teaching the lessons in a proper order. It would not be effective to teach how to diversify and accommodate the applications before teaching which applications are appropriate for the lessons. Performance Objectives Performance objectives are exactly what it states: performing learned knowledge and skills through an action. Gagne argues that the â€Å"five-component objective† is the best approach for performance objectives. The five components he lists are: Situation, Learned Capability Verb, Object, Action Verb, and Tools, Constraints or Special Conditions. Situation â€Å"What is the stimulus situation faced by the student?† (Gagne, p. 123). The situation can be defined as the circumstances of the instructional objective. What is being offered? Under what Objectives and Goals 6 condition is the instruction or assessment is being administered? Using our example, the situation is â€Å"using an iPad† or â€Å"using a computer†. Learned Capability Verb (LCV) This component deals with how the situation is applied. Gagne states that there are nine standard verbs that are used: discriminate, identify, classify, demonstrate, generate, adopt, state, execute, and choose. Gagne (1988) states, â€Å"By including one of these verbs in the objective, the intended behavior is more clearly communicated, and the conditions of learning appropriate to that type of learning outcome are more readily applied† (p. 125). For our example, demonstrate, generate, chose, and execute would most likely be the actions used. Object The object is the actual learned item or behavior that the learner is applying with the LCV. It can also be described as the learning objective that the learner will demonstrate. Using our example, how to assign and submit assignments electronically using the laptop and iPad would be the object of the performance objective. Action Verb Gagne (1988) explains, â€Å"The action verb describes how the performance is to be completed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 125). There are many different action verbs that can be used depending on the task. Objectives and Goals 7 Hypothesizing, solving, and typing are considered action verbs. In our example, the learner so far has been instructed to demonstrate how to assign and submit an assignment. Applicable action verbs would be â€Å"upload† or â€Å"download†. Tools, Constraints, or Special Conditions This title is self-explaining. This section deals with the conditions, the limitations and the applicable media of the objective. In our example, iPads and laptops are the tools that are being used in this lesson. A constraint is the time frame that the teachers are limited to for the instruction. From personal experience, most of these types of training exercises and courses are limited to just a few hours, or at most, one day. Outcome The outcome of the five-point approach for our example is, â€Å"Using an iPad or Laptop, the teacher will demonstrate how to assign and submit a lesson electronically by uploading the assignment in the fewest steps possible†. Summary Properly defining goals is the first step to designing an instructional plan. Program objectives are a general outline of what it takes to reach that goal. The learning objectives are the specific skills and knowledge objectives that are used to meet the program objectives. Following the five-step performance objective model, learners should be able to easily understand what learning outcomes they are required to demonstrate at the end of instruction.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The strategic causes of the Korean war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The strategic causes of the Korean war - Essay Example ere apprehensive that the country under the control of the Japanese would limit the movement of the American soldiers in the region but the concern ended there. The Soviet Union looked to Korea more with a strategic eye. At the end of the war here was a division of the Korean peninsula at the time and the Russians took hold of the north peninsula which was an industrial sector and at the same time the United States of America took possession of the south which was more based in agriculture. Then in the year 1949 the two countries withdrew their men out of the region and leaving behind the locals (Srivastava, 2010)2. The North had a strong manned army which was trained by the soviet. Whereas on the other hand the South Korean had a relatively weaker and reduced army. Later when the Stalin led government in the Communist Russia saw that they could challenge the United States with the help of their nuclear technology the North Korean tried to strengthen ties with the Russians but were r ebuffed. To make matters worse, the American Secretary of State at the time, Acthinson, made a statement that the Korean region was close to the United States. This spurned the Russians to finally reply to the inclination of friendships being made by North Korea and even gave as acceptance of an attack on the south. However, the Russian government was given the impression by the authorities of North Korea that the war would last not more than a month. It has been stated that parties knew of the impending war that would occur but did not pay head to the warnings. Before the withdrawal of the two nations from the peninsula, there was molding that both the Russians and the Americans did in their respective potion of Korea. It was brought to the attention of the Americans that the Russians were creating a model of the communist state in North Korea and were using the system of the region to hide their real intentions (Schnabel, 1992, p. 24)3. This was an outrage for the Americans who were

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bowen Family Systems Therapy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Bowen Family Systems Therapy - Research Paper Example Unlike normal family development, in which families learn to differentiate parts of them when interacting on an emotional level and set healthy boundaries, enmeshed families become overly involved with each other, increasing the chances of anxiety and conflict. Lack of differentiation occurs due to the inability to separate their emotions from their reactions. What they feel and how they react to those feelings are governed by the interactions between themselves and others. Bowen attributed this differentiation of self to family of origin. His philosophy was emotional attachment either created a positive or negative reaction, depending on how the family interacted with each other. An anxiety-provoking situation could cause withdrawal and distancing or, family members could deal with the conflict reasonably. The more stable families’ interactions were towards each other, the less likely individuals would carry these unresolved conflicts into another relationship. In essence, families’ interdependence relies heavily on the daily changes that occur. In families that experience a high level of conflict, there is often one family member that becomes vulnerable to the effects of the conflict. This results in anxiety, depression, alcoholism, drug abuse and other clinical problems. These problems manifested themselves in other relationships, often creating the same tension and conflict. Murray Bowen developed eight interlocking concepts involving systems theory and that emotions were in part, the key that affects families as a unit. Not only did he base his studies on the family, but applied the systems theory perspective to both work and social systems The key to the Bowen therapy basically lies within the emotions and the activities governed by these emotions that may have taken many years to develop. Bowen has emphasized the significance of having a deep insight into the contribution made by different generations in the

Social media as a Method to Drive Acquisition of Customers Assignment

Social media as a Method to Drive Acquisition of Customers - Assignment Example The researcher states that the social media is known as an important means of creating brand awareness and customer acquisition. However, the major question is how companies are supposed to convert users of various social media sites into actual customers. Furthermore, different brands face varying challenges concerning customer acquisition. This owing to the fact that different companies have varying market positions, objectives, target audiences and acquisition techniques. Companies are advised to come up with strategies that are appropriate for their brands. This essay critically assesses social media as a method to drive acquisitions of customers and marketing campaigns for two campaigns. Social media marketing is used to drive customer acquisitions through brand recognition. This is known as one of the most effective tools for using social media as a branding tool. This is because, with social media marketing, companies can decide the kind of information their customers are expo sed to and decide on how they want the company’s position to be. Companies can build brand name using the great content and consistent effort around the company values and benefits. Well- established companies including Wal-Mart, Starbucks, and The Weather Channel Shows Off have developed more attractive advertising initiatives on social media sites including YouTube, Instagram and Vine respectively to develop their brand names in the online market leading to an increase in the number of users. The companies have successfully used social media marketing to reach their customers and make sales. Other small companies are advised to follow suit as the social media has proven to be an effective tool to build a company’s brand name.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What i lern from class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What i lern from class - Essay Example Mentally, the sport has made me alert. I always used to be lazy but I found that to play well one must have one-pointed concentration. There has to be hand-eye coordination which demands concentration on what you are doing. Thus it has improved my concentration power. Another thing I realized is that since the total concentration is on the game, the mind is not free to think or worry. Perhaps this is the reason that one feels relaxed after playing the game, as during the period one is engaged in the game, the mind is free of anxieties. Concentration on the game being played has another advantage. The mind has no time to think whether I will win or lose. One just plays. This means the work is done without thinking of the results. If the mind if diverted even for a second, we can make a mistake in striking, thereby spoiling the game. The game has also helped me gain confidence in talking and interacting with others. I used to be very shy but since I have started taking lessons, we have to mix with others and play together. This game promotes interpersonal relations and it has helped me develop confidence in my abilities. I did not know that I possess certain abilities such as the ability to get along with others. Now, I look forward to playing Table Tennis as it is a great leisure activity. However, it demands stamina, strength and one has to be agile. To undertake even the training lessons, one needs strength because the different strokes that one has to play is like a workout where all the limbs receive full exercise. Another major advantage with Table Tennis is that it is an indoor game and one can play whenever one wants. It is not dependent on the weather and all it requires is just another partner. In fact, to train and learn, one can even play alone. I have been so motivated by the numerous benefits of the game and fascinated by the game itself

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

War and Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

War and Psychology - Essay Example With rising onsets of PTSD in veterans coming back from active duty, it has become more imperative in developing treatments that can combat this effectively. Conversely, psychology has also opened up windows in how current wars are now fought in respect to psychological treatment and persuasion. War has opened many new fields in psychology, such as military psychology, and expanded already pre-existing fields, such as traumatology. This comes into play when dealing with counseling. Originally, when soldier’s would suffer from the psychological ailments of war, counselors would simply dismiss it as trivial and being â€Å"shell-shocked†. As a result, many of the earlier engagements did not have adequate psychological care. As more and more veterans began returning to society after war, problems linked with PTSD such as domestic violence, drug/alcohol abuse, depression, suicide, etc. became more prevalent. Therefore, war had an effect on the way in which therapy was condu cted in special cases of PTSD. There have also been additions to grief counseling, as the knowledge of grieving and effects of depression have been understood. The advent of psychopharmacology allows psychologists to have their therapy supplemented by medicine through a psychiatrist (Herman, 1997). Conversely, the understanding of the human mind has affected the way in which war is conducted. For example, there is a branch of the United States Army, which is entitled Psychological Operations. The goal of this branch is to use propaganda and persuasion tactics to coerce the local population to see that they are not a threat. This also requires an understanding of group dynamics in order to coerce a population. On a more negative note, psychology has also taught military and government officials to understand the workings of the human mind. They have been learning better interrogation techniques, some of which have been under review by the United States government. In addition, better understanding into the work of memory and information extraction has lead to the development of technologies and medicines to aid in this effort (Goldstein, & Findley, 1996). The psychology of war has also had benefits in other areas that are more civilian related. For example, again with trauma, there are traumas that occur in the civilian realm. These can include rape, child abuse, etc. The techniques used in traumatology are derived from those that are used in military PTSD cases. The logotherapy and CBT counseling is used in all trauma related counseling (Reyes, Elhai, & Ford, 2008). Concluding, not only has war had an impact on the development in psychology, but has also had an impact on the way in which the psychology of war has been approached. Many good things have developed through learning how to counsel those affected by wartime. Constrastly, there have been what some people would consider negative developments in which psychology has aided to defending our country throu gh interrogation and coercion methods. References Goldstein, F, & Findley, B. (1996). Psychological operations: principles and case studies. New York, NY: Air University Press. Herman, J. (1997). Trauma and recovery. New York, NY: Basic Books. Reyes, Gerald, Elhai, J, & Ford, J. (2008). The encyclopedia of psychological trauma. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley &

Monday, September 23, 2019

Telecommunications Law and Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Telecommunications Law and Policy - Essay Example This has created issues of KableCom potentially running out of bandwidth available for customers, resulting in outages and delays. KableCom should now introduce the â€Å"Unlimited Stream Plan.†   Under this Plan, customers will be able to choose three streaming cloud apps from a short list of approved sites that have paid KableCom for the opportunity to participate. Customers will be permitted unlimited streaming on the three sites they select without accruing data charges. It is, therefore, necessary for KableCom to implement data caps and migrate from unlimited data plans to data-use pricing model, however, many plans shall still have unlimited talk and texts. With a, Internet as down from 4G to 2G (throttling) are on their download (2 GB per). One data is speed - 4G data are significantly than 3G users through a short interval. One potential solution under consideration by KableCom is allowing content providers or app developers to pay carriers so that their services do not count against a customer’s monthly data limit and essentially buying traffic for their content. However, the Internet is designed for all content and services to be treated equally. Because this solution would give KableCom an unfair advantage over its clients, at some point it should be viewed as net neutrality issue. Data-use pricing model shall monitor data usage and make sure customers stay under their data cap. The provision different tariffs model enable customer decide whether they need to consider upgrading to a higher plan or if usage is typical. Using the current app store KableCom should provide free apps that gives options for ones total usage for the current period or a help site for to customers see where they using the most data bundles. Other useful tools to be provided free of charge to KableCom’s customers is third-party apps designed to help them monitor their bandwidth usage. One such app is Onavo Extend; it gives one a breakdown of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

System development life cycle

System development life cycle The report contains the brief overview of the system development life cycle followed in Shriv Commedia Solutions Pvt Ltd. The project includes the adequate technical details about the different phases including the practical example of Bank management system developed by SCMS for its client Corporate Bank. The methodology followed by SCMS for scheduling the project (using Gantt chart) and the software used in assisting the planning process are described in report. Various tests including the feasibility test conducted by system analyst and technical tests conducted by developer are mentioned with the procedure followed during the testing process. The possible threats which may result to the loss of information have been described in the report and the recommendations (solutions) to avoid such threats are also discussed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In general, the report includes the procedure of the information system development in SCMS along with the practical description of the SDLC process, Gantt chart, testing process and the threats for the information system (with recommendations). Relevant examples are included wherever felt necessary to facilitate the reader for easy understanding of the report. Shriv Commedia Solutions Pvt ltd (SCMS) is a dedicated software based company which focuses in areas like Software development, Web designing, Multimedia services, Outsourcing, E-commerce, Technical writing, Search engine optimization and testing solutions, providing the services to the clients ranging from public to private sector. Shriv Commedia Solutions Pvt Ltd has been operating under the software development atmosphere since 2001. It has its head office located in India and the branches in UK, Canada and US, all of them focusing on finest, cost-effective and timely solutions. With the main pillars, mission, vision and values, SCMS has been rapidly progressing in todays competitive IT world. It has been successful in providing the innovative and perfect solutions to its clients with the client based approach.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From the list of systems developed by SCMS we have decided to discuss the Bank management system developed for ‘corporate bank’ by SCMS. Corporate bank was established on 1906 and is one of the imperative clients of SCMS since 2004. The system developed by SCMS for Corporate bank is designed in the way to achieve the maximum security for the databases used to store the details about all the banking transactions as well as the account details of the costumers. It is also capable of recording the data of the bank employees. For example, Employee payroll records, details of employee and the attendance of employee. The system developed is able to work with all, internet, intranet as well as extranet. It was also optimized to work with different operating system and was capable to be upgraded along with the introduction of the new technology. Taking the same banking management system developed by SCMS into consideration, each of the development methodology is discussed further in the project. Information System Model in Shriv ComMedia Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Information System Model states an elementary conceptual outline for the major components and activities of information system. In Shriv Commedia Solution Pvt. Ltd, information system depends on the resource of people, software, hardware, data and networks to perform input, processing, output and storage and control activities that converts data resource into information products. Information system Model of Shriv ComMedia Solutions Pvt. Ltd. illustrates that information system consists of 5 major Components: 1. PEOPLE RESOURCES: In SCMS people (end users and IS specialists) are necessary for the function of all information system. 2. SOFTWARE RESOURCES: it includes all sets of information processing instructions 3. HARDWARE RESOURCES: It comprises of all the physical materials and devices used in information processing. Machines: All physical devices: Computers, peripherals and telecommunication networks. Media: all tangible objects in which data is recorded Hardware resource in SCMS 4. DATA RESOURCE:- Data are raw facts and figures typically about physical phenomena or business transaction. Data constitutes a valuable organizational resource. SCMS process data into information and organize it for future use. In SCMS data resource of information system are typically organized into 5. NETWORK RESOURCE: It includes the means of communication within the organization or with the outside world like internet, intranet by which data or information can be transferred between the different departments of the organization. Telecommunication network like internet, intranet and extranet have become essential for the organizations. Network resources includes System Development Lifecycle generally consists of the five phases including Planning, Analysis, design, implementation and support. All the five phases are arranged together and used to build the information system. Followings are some of the SDLC model used by SCMS depending on the softwares requirement: Waterfall Model Prototype Model Iterative Model Spiral Model Agile software Development Model RAD Model   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Shriv Commedia Solutions (SCMS) they first take the user requirements and decide which type of models should be followed for the development of the system. The second step will be to organize the activities by grouping them into larger categories called phases. In this way the phases are formed into the loop with support phase pointing to the planning phase whenever there is the necessity to change in the information system. The change is determined by the users want of information in different format, release of new version, or due to the hardware becoming obsolete. When the changes occur the planning phase begins again and some part of whole of the system is modified and the system development lifecycle starts again. When corporate Bank offered the project of developing ‘Bank management System’ to Shriv Commedia Solutions, Spiral Model was followed there in order to develop Bank Management System. They selected spiral Model since it provides early indication of undefeatable risks and users can be closely tied to all lifecycle steps. SCMS arranges its system development process in following order. 1. Planning Phase:- The client requests are reviewed by the steering committee (decision making body) which consists of 7-8 people in SCMS including vice president, managers and non-managerial employees. During this phase: Project ideas are collected and reviewed Project ideas are prioritized Allocate resources Project Development team is formed 2. Analysis Phase:- Gather Customer requirements: Following techniques are used by SCMS for collecting the requirements from the customers: Interviews Questionnaires Client Documents Scenarios Rapid Prototypes Select and justify a project (feasibility test) Submit and approve the request for proposal Get the project team in place Prepare the requirements documents Conduct project kick-off meeting Develop Statement of Scope WBS Development: Conduct ‘work break down Structure’ meeting Build work break down Structure Update WBS in project plan Outline project plan Assign resources to project plan tasks Create entity relationship diagram (ERD) Create Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Define data dictionary Perform object-oriented analysis 3. Design phase:- Acquire hardware and software needed for the project Design data model Write functional specifications Design prototypes Write detailed design specifications Write documentation plan Write beta test plan Write customer support plan Write training plan Write risk management plan 4. Implementation phase:- Development AND Unit Testing of Module(1-n) Testing Integration Software Quality Assurance (SQA) System test Track defects Regression test Manage Release and Change Configuration management New full releases Maintenance releases Installing and testing of new system Install beta test system Conduct beta tests Track defects and report to customer support Gather requirements for customizations Implement software Execute customer acceptance test procedure Cutover development to production Training Develop training specification for end users, help desk support staff Identify training delivery methodology i.e. computer based, classroom Develop training materials Develop training delivery mechanism 5. Support:- Post implementation system review:- Document lessons learned Distribute to team members Create software maintenance team Identify errors and enhancement Monitor the performance of system Shriv ComMedia Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Followed the same method discussed above for accomplishing the project offered by the Corporate Bank Following steps are used in SCMS to create a Gantt chart:- 1. All activities or task are listed in plan They find out the earliest possible date of all the tasks or activities of project and estimate the length of time it will take and check whether it is parallel or sequential. If the task is sequential they show the stages on which it depends. They use the X axis of the graph paper for the date, week or months required for the completion of the project and Y axis to itemize the tasks in its order 2. Plotting the tasks onto the plan They list the tasks in Y axis on the left hand side of the page and to draw up a rough first draft of the Gantt chart, they plot each task on the plan showing it starting on the earliest possible date. They draw each task as a horizontal bar with the length of the bar being the length of the time the task will take. Above each task bar they mark the estimated time taken to complete the task. 3. Schedule the tasks Now they redraw the Gantt chart on a fresh sheet to schedule actions and tasks. They schedule these in such a way that sequential actions are carried out in the desired sequence e.g. dig holes then lay the foundation and then start construction. They also ensure that these dependent activities do not start until the activities they depend on have been totally completed They try to schedule parallel task so that they do not interfere the sequential action on the critical path. While scheduling they make sure that they are making the best use of time and resource available to them. Once their Gantt chart is drawn one can see how long it will take to complete the project. Assessment process begins as soon as the requests are received in SCMS. They perform the various feasibility evaluations in order to know how suitable the development of a system will be to the company. The feasibility test process conducted by SCMS for the project request of Corporate Bank consisted 3 phases: The feasibility tests performed by system analyst of SCMS were: 1. Operational Feasibility: Operational feasibility was based on the following parameters: The effectiveness of the proposed system in corporate bank. Impact of new system in existing system User preferences (collected from interview) Requirements of the new system 2. Schedule feasibility: Following parameters were responsible for schedule feasibility The deadline of the project (either reasonable or not) Estimated time for project completion 3. Technical feasibility: Following things were considered during technical feasibility: Hardware and software required for project Availability of the people to deliver and support the proposed system 4. Economic feasibility: In SCMS the economic feasibility test was conducted by system analyst with the assistance of financial analyst. Following were the parameters looked upon for economic feasibility: Benefits of the proposed system to the corporate bank Cost-Benefit relation regarding the system use After the feasibility test was conducted the system analyst submitted the feasibility report to the steering committee recommending the further study (detailed analysis) of the corporate bank. Feasibility report in case of SCMS was a written document submitted with the details of the existing system, benefits of new system and recommendation. The implementation phase in SCMS consists of four major phases: Development of the program Testing of the new system Train the users Convert to new system SCMS generally uses two methods for the development of the program. Outsourcing the program Developing the program SCMS sometimes outsource the software required for them but most of the times the development process is favoured. During the preparation of the software for Corporate Bank following software and technologies were used by SCMS. The tests performed by SCMS for verifying the Bank management system designed for Corporate Bank were: 1. Functional Testing: The main objective of the functional test was to ensure that each of the elements of the system meets the user requirements. The requirements were: Requirements placed by user (corporate bank) Business Design Specification Year 2000 development standard Different phases of functional testing were: a. Validation Test It basically checked the Windows GUI standards, Valid, invalid and limit data input, Screen and field look and appearance, and Overall consistency with rest of the units. b. Specific functional test (UNIT TEST) Low level tests which were conducted to test the individual process and data flow. 2. System Test: This test was performed to check whether all the units of the application were working together to produce the output and there is no gaps in the data flow from one unit to other. 3. Integration Test: Integration test was performed by connecting the application with the different other application. The performance of the application with different other software was noted and the application was verified based on the results. 4. Performance Testing: This test was carried out to verify that the system provides the acceptable response time (should not exceed 4 seconds). 5. Regression Testing: The main objective of the regression test was to observe the functionality and stability of the software. It was automated with the help of the automated testing tools. Test environment available in visual studio and NUnit software was used to automate the testing of the application designed for Corporate Bank. Several formal reviews were carried before and during the tests and they were documented. The major formal review points were placed in different stages of testing as shown in the diagram: When all the tests were performed by the developer and all the errors /bugs were fixed, the additional tests were performed to ensure that system was working in integrated manner. In this way the application designed for the corporate bank was verified by the developers team. During the system development in SCMS there are various security that arises which may lead to the information loss. Following are some of the security risks and their solutions to prevent the information loss: 1. Server Downtime: Risk: Server downtime may cause the server to stop working so that the entire computer bridged with the server will be unable to connect with server. This may cause the loss of the information when the information is being sent to server. Solution: Before upgrading or migrating to a different physical server, make sure servers pass all tests prior to full deployment, and test and debug all applications prior to full deployment. 2. Obsolete application and tools: Risk: Due to the defect in the application and tools the loss of the information may occur. Hardware crashes and Software failure may occur causing the information loss. Solution: Make the careful inventory of the all applications and tools currently in use, prior to system implementation. Always use the trusted Hardware brands and software brands to avoid the hardware/software failure. Benchmarking testing can prove fruitful to check the hardware or software. 3. Computer Virus, Worms and Trojans: Risks: These are the malicious-logic program which act without user knowledge can alter the computers operation and result to information loss. Solutions: Following measures can be adopted to prevent the computer viruses, worms and Trojans: Prevent starting the computer with removable media in drives. Never open an e-mail attachment from source other than trusted. Set the macro security level to medium in the word processing or spreadsheet programs. Install the genuine version of the operating system Install the good antivirus software (updatable, reliable and efficient) 4. Denial of Service (DoS) attack: Risk: A DoS attack is designed to overload the server. The perpetrators use the softwares of codes to send thousand of requests to the server so that the valid user cant connect the server. Solution: The best way to prevent the DoS attack is not letting the DoS style attacks near the webserver. The tools like apaches mod_security or mod_dosevasive/mod_evasive can be used to drop the abusive IP address at the firewall before they get anywhere near the webserver. 5. Backdoors: Risk: Backdoors are the programmer created algorithms which bypass security mechanisms and provides the access to the programs so as to access the program for troubleshooting or saving the development time. But hackers and crackers use backdoors to gain access to program and inject the malicious code to the program causing the information loss. Solutions: Scan for the Backdoors with the help of tools available in market. Eg: SpyHunter security tool Update the antispyware software For developer: Try avoiding the backdoors during the design phase or eliminate the backdoors before the delivery of the software to the client. 6. Hardware Failure: Risk: Hardware failure can cause the loss of information stored in hard drives. Solutions: Frequently backup the hard drives Use Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) to prevent hardware crashes Online Storage of the data and information After the research conducted on the System Development lifecycle of Shriv Commedia Solutions Pvt Ltd we came to conclude that the company (SCMS) follows the general five phases of the information system development cycle for the project received. It follows all the five phases thoroughly and tends to meet the user requirements by developing the perfect matching solutions for their business.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We came to know that the system analyst has the major role in the development process as he/she acts as the bridge between both users and developers. Analyst is the person who conducts the feasibility tests and decides the suitability of the project for company. The project development team consisting of different level of employees work on the project, as scheduled on Gantt chart, designed by the project leader. SCMS conducts the different tests during and after the designing of the application to make the application error-free before it is delivered to the client. There are also many security threats for the application which may cause the information loss. By the help of the research we came to know the measures to eliminate the security risks and protect the loss of information.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In general, after the research on SCMS and its system development methodology in case of Corporate Bank (one of its client) we had the detailed knowledge of the different phases of the information system development lifecycle and the possible threats for the information loss.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Animal Communication Methods: Bonding and Imprinting

Animal Communication Methods: Bonding and Imprinting Sarah O’Malley Bonding Imprinting Introduction Imprinting and bonding are important biological processes that aid in the survival of offspring; offspring require parental bonding to survive. These processes allow the offspring to learn skills and behaviours needed for survival, as well as the knowledge of their own species in order to successfully breed in the future. The importance of bonding and breeding differs in different species. Bonding can be important in obtaining food, communicating, survival, and mating. The following includes the mechanisms of imprinting and bonding with differences and similarities between the two. Information regarding Konrad Lorenz and his work is included. A mention of communication and its role in reducing conflict has also been included. Imprinting Imprinting is a classical biological process in birds such as geese and ducks. New-born chicks become attached to the first visible moving object they see. Imprinting is mostly non-species-specific but imprinting between same species does occur; filial imprinting (between offspring and its parent) is more common is precocial animals than in altricial animals as precocial animals are mobile and alert when they are born and therefore have the ability to imprint early. Certain behaviours are affected by imprinting more than other behaviours. There is a significant sensitive period where imprinting takes effect (1). For ducks, this is between 4-48 hours after they have hatched. A duckling will pretty much follow whatever is moving once it has hatched and will eventually learn what it is following and imprint on it. An Austrian named Konrad Zacharias Lorenz was a zoologist, ethologist, and ornithologist (bird behaviour), who studied instinctive behaviour in animals, particularly greylag g eese and the principle of imprinting. These studies led to Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen, and Karl von Frisch winning a Nobel Prize for Medicine. He is regarded as one of the principal founders of ethology. The innate release mechanism, a main concept regarding imprinting, where organisms are genetically predisposed to be responsive to certain stimuli become fixed and imprint on the parents (2). Senses are important for imprinting; as ducks are precocial they imprint on whoever they see within a certain timeframe (4-48hrs) using their sight. As puppies and kittens do not open their eyes for a little over a week after birth, they take a little longer to imprint. Mammals, who are altricial use their smell, sight, and sound to imprint on their mothers, though primates are born with brains that still need to fully develop and so imprinting takes longer. Imprinting is a survival instinct as it ensures the safety and protection for the vulnerable new-born; it prevents the young from predation, a s its mother is there to protect it. It allows the offspring to learn skills for survival and behavioural characteristics from its mother. Imprinting is different to bonding as there is a specific period where imprinting occurs. Lorenz’s theory involved an experiment whereby chicks where hatched in an incubator and then handled by humans. They were placed back with their mother who accepted the goslings but the goslings did not accept her. They followed the human they first saw. Lorenz’s theory argued that imprinting is irreversible and takes place at a certain stage (as mentioned above). It included his theory of imprinting being innate but recognizing the moving object was learnt. Filial imprinting lasts until the offspring becomes adults. Socialization is important and imprinting experiences will have a long-term effect on social behaviour; isolating a puppy will result in the pup displaying abnormal social behaviour such as anxiety. Imprinting has a significant eff ect on sexual preferences, which should be a factor to consider in captivity or rehabilitation centres. Sexual imprinting is where characteristics learnt form siblings will influence their mating preferences in adulthood. This process depends on the species; there could be a period in between filial imprinting and sexual imprinting for some species, whereas for other species it can occur simultaneously (geese). E.g., if a duckling was to imprint on a chicken and considered the hen’s chicks its siblings, it is likely to sexually imprint on chickens in adulthood as it is attracted to the characteristics of the species it imprinted on and believes it to be the same species. The appearance of the object or animal the offspring imprints on will teach them to recognise what future mates should look like (providing they imprint on the correct animal) (3). Imprinting allows the parent to raise her young much easier, as the offspring imprints on her early and will trust her and follo w her wherever she goes, which is vital when it comes to predation. Bonding Bonding is a biological process where animals of same species (pair bonding) and sometimes, different species connect on a social level. This can occur at different stages in their lives. Reasons for bonding include pair bonding, which results in mating and reproduction in mated pairs, and social bonding that is vital in species that form packs or hierarchies etc. Wolves form social bonds within the same pack, which enables them to hunt and live in a social group. For wolves, bonding is crucial as they do everything together, from hunting to defending territory and raising young. Parent-offspring bonding is beneficial for both parents and offspring as the offspring have a greater chance of survival with the protection from its parent(s), and the parent(s), can ensure their genes will be passed on and their offspring makes it to adulthood. Their need to nurse their young originates from the release of a hormone called oxytocin, which influences motherly behaviour, breeding animals wit h this hormone absent results in mothers leaving their offspring earlier than mothers with that hormone. Sibling recognition prevents inbreeding from occurring as well as for cooperating. With mating pairs, bonding behaviours include vocalizations; calls and sounds, movements; dancing, body contact (tactile), and postures, as well as offering gifts. Senses are just as vital in bonding as they are in imprinting. Visual, tactile, vocal, and auditory are important factors in mating pairs and are often expressed in rituals. Every meeting between mating pairs, the rituals are repeated to reinforce the bond. Pairs may bond for certain parts of a breeding season; short term or long term, and other species may mate for life (monogamy) (4), such as swans and geese. Bonding in mating pairs, allows for recognition of the individual’s mate within a crowd (nest site e.g.). It allows the animal to imprint the image of its mate in its head. Bonding requires effort, which confirms their comm itment. It provides a better chance of survival for their offspring as both parents are present for protection and for providing food. The pair does not need to go through the long process of selecting a mate during breeding season. Parent-offspring bonding is not only evident in birds but in other species such as elephants; within their group of family that contains elephants of a range of ages, greet and maintain bonding by tactile – touching and often curling their trunks around the other’s, vocalization communication, and scent. Dominance is expressed through play at an early age, whereby young elephants, both male and female but progresses in males as they get older, charge at each other and wrestle with their trunks. 30 minutes after an elephant is born, it is able to stand up and follow its mother. Females will form close bonds with their mother and will stay by their side for life, which allows the mother to teach her offspring skills needed for survival. Males tend to leave at around 12-15 years where they may temporarily join other groups for mating and feeding. Bonding in elephants, where they stay together for life (females), increases their chances of survival as they form large herds, which makes it more difficult for predation to occur. An example of interspecies relationships is the bond between a lion, tiger, and bear (diagram 2 ^), who were abused in the hands of a drug dealer, bonded for comfort and now consider themselves brothers. They are the only known lion, tiger, and bear to live together in the world; in the wild, they would never meet. Their early experiences as young cubs and the fact that they have never been separated since, strengthened their bonds (5). Differences Similarities Bonding and imprinting are both processes where animals socially connect and both aid in the survival of the animals. Bonding occurs for different reasons and at different stages in animals’ lives, whereas imprinting occurs early within a specific period where the offspring is sensitive to stimuli. Bonding occurs for many reasons including pair bonding, where for mated pairs, occurs later in life (when sexually mature), whereas imprinting is solely for survival in which the young requires from its parent. Bonding involves the bonding of two animals equally whereas imprinting is a one-way thing in which young imprint on the first thing it sees and perceives it to be its mother. Imprinting involves recognition and learned behaviour; as described previously in Lorenz’s theory; the offspring imprint on the first object they see and begin to learn and recognise that object. There is an in between, as the bonding process actually starts with imprinting in specific ways; impri nting takes place early for the purpose of survival but then bonding occurs to strengthen the connection. Parent-offspring bonding involves the bonding between the parent and its offspring and can sometimes involve the offspring imprinting on the parent. The parent releases oxytocin in response, which strengthens the bond (6). Difference between filial imprinting and sexual imprinting: Sexual imprinting involves the young imprinting on the characteristics of opposite-sex kin, whereas filial imprinting is where offspring imprint on its parent as an individual (7). How Communication Reduces Conflict Communication is crucial in reducing conflict, especially between territorial animals; vocalizations scent, and visual senses play an important role in alerting other animals when they have entered another’s territory, which will prevent fighting e.g. an animal will urinate on the edge of its territory to communicate to other animals that is their territory and should not be crossed. Establishing a hierarchy reduces the risk of intraspecies conflict; all the animals within the group are aware of their ranking and role they must play. This enables them to function as a working group, which will aid in their survival. Ritualized combat, a form of agonistic behaviour, is another method used to reduce conflict such as threatening displays to intimidate other animals, and usually prevents fighting from occurring. It is also beneficial in aiding survival as preventing conflict decreases the chance of being killed, losing food or territory, or losing a mate. Submission prevents fighting from occurring, as the submissive animal is likely to give in to the dominant one, which prevents conflict. Conclusion Bonding and imprinting occurs in many species and both ensure the survival of an animal. Lorenz’s work provided further information regarding the importance of imprinting, noting a specific period for it to take place and the possibilities of it going wrong (sexual imprinting on a different species). There are clear differences between bonding and imprinting, with purpose being one of the main ones. However, they are similar in terms of forming a social connection, both interspecies and intraspecies. The senses are a vital part of these connections as they help animals distinguish characteristics and recognise stimuli that influence imprinting/bonding. Bibliography (1) Sensitive Period Lorenz, K (1963). On Aggression. Austria: Methuen Publishing. Pg.258. (PDF version) (2) Konrad Lorenz Hayes, Brian J., [no date]. Konrad Lorenz biography. Ethology – Imprinting. (3) Sexual Imprinting Irwin, D and Price, T. Sexual imprinting, learning and speciation. Heredity (1999) 82, 347–354; doi:10.1038/sj.hdy.6885270 (4) Pair-Bonding Barash, D.; Lipton, J. (2001). The Myth of Monogamy: Fidelity and Infidelity in Animals and People. New York: Henry Holt and Company (5) Interspecies Bonding Broder Van Dyke, M. May 26th, 2014. BuzzFeed Animals. Lions, Tigers, and Bears. (6) Differences Similarities Thatcher, M. 24 November 2014. Understanding Animal Communication Systems. (7) Differences SparkNotes ©, 2015. Animal Behaviour: Learning. Imprinting. Diagrams: Diagram 1 – Konrad Lorenz Leen, N. July 7th 2008. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Three Pioneer Observers of Animal Behaviour. Diagram 2 – Bonding Shaikh, T. July 6th 2014. Animal Bonding. Diagram 3 – Agonistic Behaviour: Spider Hill, D E. 4 December 2009. Wikipedia. Zygoballus sexpunctatus male agonistic behaviour Diagram 4 – Pair-Bonding Ander, B L. December 12th 1014. Puffin Love.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Lie :: essays research papers

Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad Main Characters Marlow - Young man who decides that it would be exiting to travel into Africa hunting ivory and does so by taking the place of a dead steamboat captain. Kurts - Famous man among the ivory seekers who has lived and hunted on the continent for a while and has exploited the savages becoming much like a savage himself. Russian fool - Man who is known by his clothes with many colorful patches making him look much like a harlequin. He works with Kurtz who proves to be poor company for him. The Intended - Kurtz ¡Ã‚ ¯s bride to be who at the end of the book still thinks that Kurtz was the great man that she remembered him to be and Marlow doesn ¡Ã‚ ¯t have the heart to tell her otherwise. Minor Characters Helmsman - Man who steers the steamboat but goes away from the wheel to fight the savages only to be killed by an arrow. Accountant - Accountant who takes care of the money matters for Kurtz and has lived on the continent for three years trying to keep his civilized nature. Settings Central Station - This is the station where Marlow meets the accountant and observes the way the whites do nothing but exploit the blacks to do pointless labor. Inner Station - This is the station where Kurtz works and where Marlow finds him being worshipped by the savages. Thames River - Marlow tells his story to various people here. Plot Marlow sits at the Thames River in the evening with several other people and begins telling the story about how he entered into the dark continent out of nowhere. No one wants to listen but he continues anyway. Marlow expressed a desire to go to Africa to his Aunt who got him a position as a captain of a steamboat of an ivory company. The previous captain Freslaven died in a scuffle with the natives and Marlow took his place. A few days later, Marlow travels to Africa and gets to the first station where he meets the accountant who keeps track of the funds in Kurtz ¡Ã‚ ¯s company. The man is interesting to Marlow since he ¡Ã‚ ¯s been on the continent for three years, yet he keeps himself clean and well dressed. Marlow finds the blacks being poorly treated and ordered to do meaningless work by the whites.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Scopes Monkey Trial Essay -- Clarence Darrow, teaching evolution

Ever since science began to explain the previously unexplainable, it has caused conflicts with religion. The Scopes â€Å"Monkey† Trial of Dayton, Tennessee was one of the most talked about trials in history because it was one of the first and most publicized times that this conflict occurred. The trial showed the schism between the faithful fundamentalists and the newly formed group of evolutionists. Although the jury was reminded that they only had to decide if Scopes had broken the law, the verdict was seen as much more than that. For one of the first times in history, it seemed as if the jury had to choose either religion or evolution. For the time being, there could not be both. The Scopes â€Å"Monkey† Trial revealed the ongoing conflict with faith and science and set a precedent for decades of conflict to come. The â€Å"Roaring Twenties† was a time period known for its innovation. Skirts got shorter, teens got bolder, and Prohibition was in full swing. These changes also gave way to a time period full of religious conflict. â€Å"In [religious] minds, Prohibition had always been about more than alcohol. It represented an effort to defend traditional American values against the growing influence of an urban, cosmopolitan culture† (Gillon 152). Charles Darwin had published his book, The Evolution of Species, in 1859 and The Descent of Man in 1871, detailing the evolution of man from ape-like creatures. When A Civic Biology, a biology textbook containing information on evolution, was published in 1914, teachers around the country began using it in their courses. By the twenties, these books had sparked all sorts of new ideas regarding the origin of man as well as opposition due to the creature from which he claimed we evolved and to the disagr... ...: Remembering the Scopes Monkey Trial : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. Web. 20 May 2010. . France, Mary. ""A Year of Monkey War": The Anti-Evolution Campaign and the Florida Legislature." The Florida Historical Quarterly 54.2 (1975): 156-77. JSTOR. Web. 19 May 2010. Gillon, Steven M. "Scopes: The Battle Over America's Soul." Ten Days That Unexpectedly Changed America. New York: Three Rivers, 2006. Print. Scopes, John. "Reflections on the Scopes Trial by John Thomas Scopes." UMKC School of Law. Web. 19 May 2010. . "The Scopes Trial: Clarence Darrow." UMKC School of Law. Web. 20 May 2010. .

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

To His Coy Mistress Compared to Other Love Poetry

To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell is a love poem from the period of the renaissance. The poem appears in rhyming couplets which is different than the typical love poems, seen in sonnet form that we are used to from that time. The rhyming couplets are our first clue that this poem is not your typical love poem. Through his approach of theme, tone, and his use of language, Marvell criticizes the love poetry tradition as it existed in his time in order to argue that we must seize the moment and see the reality of time and love.Marvell contradicts the traditional love poetry theme; love is eternal and stable, by using a theme of carpe diem. Carpe diem means to seize the moment and live for the day. Marvell does not believe in waiting for love to blossom or believing that love will last forever as we see in Shakespeare’s sonnet 18, â€Å"Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade/ When in eternal lines to time though growest: /So long as men can breathe or eyes ca n see,/ so long lives this and this gives life to thee. Meaning, nor will death claim you for his own because in my poem you will last forever, and if there be people on this earth, then my poem will live on, making you immortal. The reader’s see the opposite of this in Marvell’s poem as he believes that when you die â€Å"Thy beauty shall no more be found† By this he means that once his mistress dies her beauty will no longer be recognized so she must use her beauty to her advantage now.Unlike Shakespeare, Marvell does not view love as passionate, beautiful or emotional. Rather, his carpe diem theme suggests that love does not last forever, and beauty will fade. He continues to try to convince the reader that you must live for the day; â€Å"Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound/ My echoing song; then worms shall try/ That long preserv'd virginity,/ And your quaint honour turn to dust,/ And into ashes all my lust. The grave's a fine and private place, /But non e I think do there embrace† Through the use of this quote Marvell claims that saving yourself for everlasting love is a waste of time because when you die you will not be loved eternally, rather you will be eaten by worms and your youth will be wasted. Marvell’s tone of urgency, morbidity, and negative attitude towards love contrasts the typical love poetry tone of delicacy, intimacy, and patience. Marvell feels that there is no such thing as eternal love. Perhaps you may think he does not believe in love at all.We first see his sarcasm towards love when he claims to give a hundred years to praise his mistress eyes, two hundred to adore each breast, and thirty thousand to the rest of her body in which we believe to be the waist down. However, we greatly see Marvell’s sense of urgency when he says â€Å"But at my back I always hear/ Time’s winged chariot hurrying near; /And yonder all before us lie/ Deserts of vast eternity. † By this he means that b ehind him time is catching up fast, but in front of him are deserts of vast eternity, and emptiness.He sees a tragedy in living for the afterlife and believes it’s a waste of youth. He continues the metaphor of the desert in the third stanza by talking about birds of prey who devour and hunt time. Normally, in traditional love poems, a poet believes that love can be eternal as we see in Spenser’s sonnet 75 â€Å"Not so (quoth I), let baser things devise /To die in dust, but you shall live by fame: /My verse your virtues rare shall eternize, /And in the heavens write your glorious name. Where whenas Death shall all the world subdue, /Our love shall live, and later life renew. † In this sonnet, addressed to his wife, Spenser claims to give her immortality in his verse, similar to Shakespeare’s sonnet 18. Marvell’s use of language, including figurative and non-figurative, and his choice of words, fail to evoke the passion and sweetness found in the lo ve poetry of his time. Most love poems consist of soft and beautiful words to create a loving and emotional theme and tone.However, Marvell use’s words such as vegetable, worms, birds of prey, devour, ashes, and dust, create images that do not evoke pleasant feelings. For example, when Marvell says â€Å"My vegetable love should grow/ Vaster than empires, and more slow† by using this hyperbole metaphor, he identifies the scale of his love for women; for a vegetable to grow as vast as an empire would take longer than humans have to live.Also, the use of the word â€Å"but† in the opening of the second stanza suggests they don’t have enough time to wait for love to blossom. The image you see when he says â€Å"the worms shall try/ That long preserv’d virginiti† creates irony because his mistress has spent her life trying to preserve herself, meanwhile he claims that worms will take over her body. In Shakespeare’s sonnet 18 he useâ€℠¢s words that are passionate, beautiful, emotional, and most of all, create feelings and images of love. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou are more lovely and more temperate: /Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, /And summer’s lease hath all too short a date: /Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm’d; /And every fair from fair sometime declines, /By chance or nature’s changing course untrimme’d; /But thy eternal summer shall not fade We see through the words used in this quote, such as summer’s day, buds of May, and the eye of heaven, Shakespeare succeeds to enhance the theme of love and beauty while Marvell’s use of words is not typical of the traditional love poem and create more of a morbid feeling.In conclusion, Marvell’s use of theme, tone, and language, highly criticized the traditional love poetry of his time. In the opening of the poem Marvell’s use of his carpe diem theme creates an immediate break in the normal love poetry by starting the poem with a problem; time and space limitation. As the poem continues we sense a feeling and tone of urgency which entwines with the theme of carpe diem. The register of the poem, through hyperbole and metaphor, shows how â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† is predominantly about time rather than lust, love, or seduction.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Jane Dare Essay

The benefits using the abbreviations within a medical document is that Physicians spend a lot of their time with documentation. Abbreviations allow physicians to perform more work in less time. In other words, abbreviations will make your work flow a lot more efficient. However, the limitations out weigh the benefits. It can lead to confusion of what the writer is talking about or unsure of the abbreviation. The abbreviation could mean more than one thing and have to know what the abbreviation stands for. The medical abbreviation list constantly changes, so this adds to the poor communication in the medical field. Some of the abbreviations are permitted and some are not permitted, so you will need to know this information before using them. The abbreviations supports the diagnosis for Jane Dare’s encounter it is a very efficient way of maintaining a patient’s privacy. Everybody does not need to know a patient’s medical history or what is going on with a patient or resident and allows their privacy to be protected. Limitations of Medical Abbreviations. There are often more than one meaning for an abbreviation, which in turn can cause confusion if the person tending to the patient is unaware of their medical history. An example being the letters EP. This abbreviation could mean either a ectopic pregnancy or evoked potential. If the person reading the chart is not careful, a mistake could be made. If a doctor were to write and incorrect dosage, it could lead to several different complications or health problems, and even death. A person reading a dosage incorrectly may also have the same result. Abbreviations that support Jane Dare’s treatments and diagnosis would be dosages for her medications. Also, the HEENT for the head, eyes, ears, nose, and throats exam which showed the doctors difficulty in examining her. Knowing that Jane Dare had an EKG and a CBC prior to being released into a skilled nursing facility helps the staff learn about her past history. It appears she was having trouble with ADL’s, it helped the therapists by informing them of the things they need to help Jane Dare work on. Also, knowing that Jane Dare was still experiencing SOB, she could be an indication that she will need oxygen when she is ready to be released home.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Christmas Carol as an Allegory

A Christmas Carol as an allegory is a simple concept to grasp knowing the definition of allegory. An allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. The way Dickens was able to slip subtle messages into various character's persona is amazing. Using the mankinds children Ignorance and Want, the cheerful Fred, the infamous Scrooge, and many other characters, Dickens is able to create an allegorical masterpiece that delivers his message in a holiday-based setting— the perfect time to influence the masses.Ignorance and Want are, as referenced above, the metaphorical children of mankind. Dickens brings two traits that man will inherit to life; the affluent's incognizance and the poor's want. They are what has filtered down through generations, unchanged due to the negligence of the wealthy. The children's condition shocks Scrooge, he actually asks the Ghost of Christmas Present if the children happen to b e his to which the spirit replies, â€Å"‘They are Man's,' †¦ ‘And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want.Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased. Deny it!' †¦ ‘Slander those who tell it ye! Admit it for your factious purposes, and make it worse! And bide the end!'† This quote is an obvious depiction of a simplistic yet meanful message, the wealthy must change their ways for societies betterment.Not an upperclassmen, Fred is a representation of the middle class man who is not ignorant to the troubles of the poor and embraces the Christmas spirit. He is very similar to another – barely mentioned – character, Scrooge's old boss Fezziwig. The bring joy to their employees with a simple gesture, an invitation to a Christmas party. This shows that despite Fred is not a rich man he is still able to bring joy to his workers, dashing the concept that money brings happiness.Dickens uses Fred as a foil to Scrooge to display differences through both attitude and action. Fred's presence lightens the atmospere during the arguement between them and the fact that the ‘Man of Christmas Cheer' tops Scrooge in the squabble furthers his point. Through a well written novella Dickens delivers his message, that the wealthy must change, time and time again.Moving on to Mr. Ba-humbug himself, Scrooge is pictured as a parsimonious man even after he's changed. Scrooge symbolizes the wealthy, aristocratic society members who are ignorant to the poors suffering. Dickens goes far as humanly possibly to show how unforgiving Scrooge is towards the lower class, one quote says that Scrooge is so cold that, â€Å"No warmth could warm his soul.†Through a wordy tongue-lashing he gave to the men who asked for a donation for the poor Scrooge further shows his uncaring attitud e. Through his tirade he shows how truly ignorant and neglectful he, and the class he represents, is towards the poverty-stricken. Using such a detestable character gives Dickens the ability to call for a change of moral in the wealthy, thus putting a cherry on top of the allegorical sundae.Allegories have been written, read, forgotten, and remembered throughout the course of history but none such like A Christmas Carol. A strong moral message, simplistic with a deep impact, this novella embodies the meaning of allegory. By using well constructed characters and inlaid messages Dickens has thoroughly, and effectively, delivered a message to the masses.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

If I Were the Prime Minister of India Essay

If I were the Prime Minister of India, what would I do to make India a super power by 2020? â€Å"where the mind is without fear and the head is held high†¦ Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake†. Tagore and so many other leaders of our country envisioned an India far better than what we have made it today. Easy though it may be for us to blame it on the ‘corrupt political leaders’ or the ‘useless government’, the truth lies in the fact that they are also one of us. we have elected them. if we point a finger at them, we would be pointing 3 fingers back at ourselves. e say we cannot change the system. What we don’t realize is that we don’t need to change the system, we need to change ourselves. we need to ask ourselves what we have done for the country and get positive answers. India is our country too not just the politicians and we must contribute towards building a better India, one envisioned by Tagore, by Gandhi, by us. A 14 year old, when asked by our president APi Abdul Kalam what she would like to be when she grows up, replied, 9 would like to be a citizen of developed India†. To most of us, this is developed India as we believe that no more development can be brought about what with the population explosion, the corruption and the poverty. Instead of spreading awareness regarding population control, reporting the acts of corruption or spreading literacy to help poverty ridden people secure a minimum standard of living, we choowe to just sit back and criticize about the laws of the land. we have learned to resign and do nothing and have become fully convinced that India is in a hopeless situation and can’t be helped. But that is only because we have chosen to adopt the easy way rather than the right way. It’s high time that we woke up and realize the consequence for our decisions will ultimately harm or benefit us. Mr. S. Saravana, 26 years, diploma holder in electronics and communication engineering living in a small district of Mittur, has taken up the responsibility of spreading education. He and his teacher Mr. Munirthinam have picked out 40 senior secondayy school students who are above average but need proper coaching for future courses. Inspired by 87 articles written by Dayanand Saraswati, Saravana has taken unto himself the vow of making 10 doctors and 10 engineers, by giving proper coaching, before dying. In Hyderabad, Ajai Gosh, 37 years, has been a painter for ten years. He had not received any primary education and thus has spent almost his entire income of ten years on children’s education to ensure that they get the basic knowledge and do not suffer like him. These men chose to make a difference and however little, they did it. There was once a man walking on the beach during low tide when he saw another man who was picking up the millions of shellfish one-by-one and throwing them back into the ocean. He said to the other man, â€Å"Are you crazy? Its low tide. There are millions of shellfish on the shore. You can’t possibly

Friday, September 13, 2019

Are state tests actually beneficial to students, or do they place Essay

Are state tests actually beneficial to students, or do they place unnecessary pressure on teachers, students, and parents - Essay Example In fact they create unnecessary pressure to the three stakeholders, diluting its very essence. Firstly, the stakes of state test are too high. Secondly, the test results cannot accurately measure learning. Thirdly, teachers are molded into ‘teaching the tests’ rather than concepts. Lastly, the anxiety associated with tests impedes learning and leads to cheating and result manipulation. Therefore, this paper will discuss on why state tests are not beneficial to stakeholders in education—students, teachers and parents. To begin with, the stakes of the tests are too high and teachers are adapted into ‘teaching test’ rather than concepts. Traditionally, test scores influence how much funds a school would receive from the government. Low test scores would make the school run the risk of its operations taken over by the government; therefore, little room for independent decision making (Texas Business Leadership Council). Such pressure on state officials, parents, teachers and students create a very poor environment for learning. Additionally, Teachers plan their curriculum around tests. Additionally, teachers teach test-taking skills and how to pass exams. Consequently, teachers lose the creativity and dynamism that makes learning enjoyable (The National Center for Fair and Open Testing). Concepts and hands-on skill require a greater challenge and are more rewarding than the ability to pass a multiple-choice test. Secondly, test scores are not the accurate measure of learning. In a 2013 speech, the secretary of education, Arne Duncan opines that state assessments in various subjects often fail to capture the student’s ability of what they know and can do (Evans ). Besides, all the stakeholders in education know that there is so much more to education that the ability to sit down and answer a few multiple-choice questions. Standardized state tests do not create room for students to express themselves (Evans ). Lastly, the anxiety associated with

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Radar Coastal Surveillance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Radar Coastal Surveillance - Essay Example The primary aim of the present research is the determination of the extent to which radar systems efficiently and effectively execute the requirements and tasks associated with coastal surveillance. Hew (2006), a defence systems analyst with the Defence Science and Technology Organisation, contends that no single radar system is capable of fulfilling the stated tasks and responsibilities but that coastal area characteristics have to be matched against specific systems. In other words, the selection of the coastal radar selection system is dependant upon the characteristics of the coastal area in question and no radar system addresses the needs and features of all. Proceeding from an acknowledgement of this argument, this study will review all of radar technology, coastal surveillance requirements and existent methods for radar coastal surveillance to determine the optimal system, or systems for the execution of coastal surveillance responsibilities.As a strategy for responding to the selected researched question and satisfying the research's articulated aim, an in-depth investigative exploration of radar technology, coastal radar systems, and the requirements of coastal radar surveillance shall be undertaken. The results of the investigation shall determine the optimal coastal radar surveillance system(s).Prior to presenting the data upon which the discussion pertaining to the research question shall be based, it is necessary to contextualize the report's focus. This shall be done through a review of the definition for radar systems, an historical analysis of its development and the articulation of its responsibilities and tasks. 2.1 Background Practically all systems, from computer and communication systems to air and naval defense systems may ultimately be identified as multi-tasking technological networks, comprised of several asynchronous parallel distributed operations and whose total response is, by definition, both complex and probabilistic. Further evidencing the inherently complex nature of systems is the fact that operational responses vary in accordance to output events

Case Studes Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Studes - Case Study Example This approach would include test of anger management, sustenance of pressure besides the general intelligence and academic excellence. Apex Environment is such kind of an organization that is a reputable standards that Maria has been anticipating and longing to work with. I strongly rule out the fact that at any given time the interviewing panel lost its course and unintentionally become irrelevant on the interview questions. It wasn’t carelessness. A panel of five intelligent personalities in company of the president of the company couldn’t have got it all wrong by asking irrelevant questions unintentionally, all of this was intentional and may be to test the level of patience, humility and soberness in dealing with the different situations or rather any other aspect that was being tested by the interviewing panel. This is best known to the panel itself and the purpose they intend all this would serve. Yes I would take the job if I were Maria. I don’t think I need any other additional information to raise my confidence on the firm since I hold the interviewing team with high level of intellect, wit, expertise and professionalism (Swanson & Elwood 49). Having been considered for the job by the panel is a show of having displayed competence and ability with addition to the second part of the session thereby meeting with the firm’s president and another panelist to discuss exclusively technically expertise relevant questions was a clear show that the previous was not sufficient but wasn’t targeting anything to do with her professional expertise. 3. The job of applications engineer for which Maria was applying requires (a) excellent technical skills with respect to mechanical engineering, (b) a commitment to working in the area of pollution control, (c) the ability to deal well confidently with customers who have engineering problems,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Changing Roles of Worker Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Changing Roles of Worker - Assignment Example The article written by Lauren Keller Johnson (2006) entitled Are you getting the most from your knowledge workers? discussed relevant issues pertaining to managing knowledge workers. According to Serrat (2008), knowledge worker is unique and distinct as this type is described as â€Å"someone who is employed because of his or her knowledge of a subject matter, rather than ability to perform manual labor. They perform best when empowered to make the most of their deepest skills† (1). Davenport provided an accurate definition of knowledge workers as â€Å"those who create knowledge, such as product development engineers, or whose use of knowledge is a dominant aspect of their work, such as financial auditors. One aspect of work that has changed is that users and creators of knowledge are more likely to be the same people† (Wagner, 2002, par. 5). Serrat averred that with knowledge workers, managing entails knowledge managers and not bosses where leadership skills and styles are exercised. The changing role from boss to player/coach is hereby assessed. A player/coach role was identified by Davenport as manifesting eight key trends, to wit: (1) doing work from overseeing it; (2) organizing communities against hierarchies; (3) understanding rather than imposing work designs and methods; (4) a focus on recruiting and retaining versus hiring and firing employees; (5) building knowledge rather than manual skills; (6) evaluating invisible versus visible performance achievements; (7) building knowledge friendly culture as against totally ignoring culture; and (8) a focus on supporting rather than fending off bureaucracy (Wagner, 2002, 1 cited Davenport, 2001). Most organizations rarely acknowledge that their financial auditors, product development engineers, or customer relations professional are knowledge workers who can

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Takeovers and Mergers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Takeovers and Mergers - Essay Example The theory f how defenses reduce firm value is a simple application f agency cost analysis: agency costs make defense adoption possible and likely, and defenses in turn increase agency costs by making it harder for principals (shareholders) to replace or otherwise discipline agents (directors) through a takeover. [2] But the academic conviction that agency cost theory is the lens through which to view takeover defenses has been reinforced by empirical studies. Legal academics widely believe that those studies show that firms' stock prices fall on average when firms adopt defenses. Without that evidence, the theoretical case against defenses remains, but is much less compelling, particularly for policy making. Practitioner support for defenses no doubt stems in part from the fact that defense adoption (and litigation over defenses) provides legal practitioners with profits. But practitioners have also looked to economic theory and empirical evidence for support in convincing boards f directors that they are justified in adopting defenses and in persuading lawmakers not to intervene against defenses. The evidence in favor f defenses has been produced for the most part not by academics but by investment banks and proxy solicitors, and it shows that defenses, such as pills, increase the premiums target shareholders receive in takeovers. This evidence is consistent with the theory that well-motivated (or adequately constrained) boards use defenses not to entrench themselves or defeat advantageous bids, but to seek better alternatives or bargain for target shareholders and extract a greater share f deal synergies than they otherwise could do. Recently, both academics and practitioners have been confronted with a new source f evidence on takeover defenses, and the results are decidedly mixed, supporting neither group's view with certainty. Several recent and ongoing studies show that prior to initial public offerings (IPOs), a significant number f firms adopt terms making takeovers more difficult than does default law, [3] which seems to fly in the face f the academic belief that defenses reduce firm value. [4] Even sophisticated pre-IPO shareholders (such as venture capitalists and leveraged buyout firms) permit their adoption, [5] and firms with defenses are more likely to be represented by higher-quality investment banks in an IPO. At the same time, institutional investors routinely oppose proposals by firms to adopt defenses midstream, and studies f IPOs show that defenses vary significantly, contrary to the beliefs f legal practitioners that a full set f defenses is privately optimal for all firms. These surprising an d mixed results make a reassessment f prior empirical evidence on takeover defenses worthwhile, both to examine the methods used and to assess the strength f support the evidence provides for the opposing academic and practitioner positions on takeover defenses. A better understanding f defenses is given some urgency by the strength f the market for corporate control in the 1990s. Despite widespread adoption f defenses, nearly seventy

Monday, September 9, 2019

Personal Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Personal Development Plan - Essay Example This personal development plan is intended to help me: To become more effective, confident and independent In identifying my strengths and weaknesses To improve my skills To develop a positive attitude towards learning SELF-ANALYSIS AND CRITICS From time to time I was provided with many different opportunities to develop my skills and abilities, which I did. If I compare my past and present self, I would definitely say that with the passage of time my performances, communication skills, research skills, and reading skills have greatly improved. Moreover, I can say that I have become a more professional individual than in the past. The key to my success has been teamwork and confidence. With both these factors on my side, I have a long way to go in the future. These skills have allowed me to be more friendly and interactive with others. With the radical improvement in my communication skills, I have been able to interact effectively with my group members and teachers during seminars a nd lectures. This communication skill has also helped me in dealing with different individuals throughout my educational career and has enabled me to share my views and opinions with others and to understand other’s perspective as well.   With continuous academic reading, I have also been able to improve my reading skills. In the past, I have some serious issues in reading but with a positive attitude to learn and gain more knowledge, I have to keep on reading articles, novels, newspapers, comic books, and researches and this has certainly helped me in improving my skills. Whenever I encountered a word that I was not aware of, I did not hesitate to ask others about it. This helped me a lot to improve my particular reading skills. The same I used to do with different concepts, I have never been afraid of asking from my colleagues or even my teachers. This has really helped me in making a better learner.  

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Relationship between Film Form and Meaning Essay

Relationship between Film Form and Meaning - Essay Example The meaning of a film lies in the interpretation that  film  evokes as well as the magnitude of the nature of these interpretations, which can be derived from the  underlying  photographic effects that the film portrays. In most incidences, the  meaning  of films has  frequently  stirred a lot of concerns. Sometimes, some films tend to have an  obvious  meaning owing to their instant accessibility to a wide audience without any difficulty. On the contrary, some films have deeper meanings that are not easy to understand, and  are intended  for a special  group  of  enlightened  audience. Maya (1999) present that the most  crucial  issue in  film  depends on how the films  are meant  to be understood plus the  procedure  by which they  are understood. This issue is often  important  for  film  makers especially when they are intending to  introduce  an  unusual  element  in their product without  being noticed  by the viewers. ... mages in a film may be, if the form of the film does not  stretch  beyond the conventional approach, a film’s  meaning  cannot be easily understood. The form of a film  is usually interceded  through the use of various formal elements, which the film makers  employ  in order to  stimulate  a  certain  effect in the audiences. For instance, in a typical Hollywood  film, film makers tend to combine certain scenes in their films with flashbacks or even at times crosscutting the scenes so as to provide additional information. This way, an audience may be able to predict what  might possibly  happen. Therefore, this shows just how the  form  of a film can  influence  the  meaning  or understanding of a film. Similarly, to  enhance  the  form  of a film, the actions of a film can be shot from different angles thereby providing the viewers with  various  points of view.  Most films  are usually made  of  numerous  shots of different lengths, which  are edited  to  create  the rhythm and  meaning  of a particular scene. One the same  note  the  form  also helps to  distinguish  a  film  from  simple  random footage by incorporating certain stylistic elements such as narratives, sound, which  create  a given  logical  pattern  in a film. In turn, this logical pattern poses a significant impact on the audiences’ feelings,  expectation  as well as their perceived  meaning  of the film. Quite often, Maya (1999)  presents  that it is the  nature  of a film that  normally  leads the audience to have certain expectations that are likely to  follow.  This in turn breeds curiosity, which has quite often been described as the ultimate reason as to why people find themselves immersed and drawn into a film after a few minutes.  This  is sometimes bound  to  occur  even if

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Country Selection and Initial Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Country Selection and Initial Analysis - Essay Example The services sector has the largest contribution of 51% approximately (estimated 2010). The population growth rate is just over 1%, which should be viewed as reasonably well for a Muslim majority emerging nation. The currency is known as Moroccan Dirham (MAD) that fluctuates against US dollar because of changes in global economy. However, the exchange rate prevails between 8 – 9 Dirham / US dollar at present. The GDP per capita was around $4,900 according to 2010 statistics (CIA Fact Book, 2010) It should also be highlighted that the recent floods in Morocco damaged its agricultural crops as the area under cultivation reduced by significant 25 – 30%. As a result, the production of wheat, barley, vegetables and other grains reduced considerably whereas the demand increased due to rise in population. Nonetheless, the government authorities were left with no other option but to increase imports from self-sufficient nations so that they could stabilize wheat prices across M orocco (Reuters Africa, 2010). It should be noted that domestic wheat consumption in Morocco has been estimated to be nearly 8.3 million tons and the shortages resulted in 47% hike in wheat prices (Weisenthal, 2011). The price surge was mainly the outcome of shortage amid price inelastic demand of food products as they are necessities.

Friday, September 6, 2019

E-Commerce Infrastructure Essay Example for Free

E-Commerce Infrastructure Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Globalization has primarily made it possible for international trade and business connection between neighboring countries as a trend of the present society exist. Certainly, the aim of the human society to remain within the scope of economic progress and continue aiming for better results for the sake of profitable advancements in the society, the emergence of different types of businesses has been much possible to occur. Business enthusiasts became braver than they usually are in facing the challenges of establishing new wave business entities, which they believe, would bring change to the human society and how they view the modern living.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hence, business organizations who are particularly trying to make it within the industry of the global trade must be able to realize that the idea of globalization is affecting the major companies worldwide. To be able to implement the changes needed by a certain organization with regards the implementation of the new progressive procedures towards a more technologically-coping organization; the company wanting the change needs to attend to several areas of consideration. As for this matter, it is first important to discuss several elemental factors that could actually affect a certain organization’s capability of facing the changes that it ought to engage with within the global scene.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The growing developments that technology and communications have taken so far have been an essential part of the growing system of technological applications. Along with the technological advancements, the social living of humans also is further enhanced. Both economic and social lifestyles were advancing but there was no rest in incurring the best possible progress that the developers of technological systems wanted. With the introduction of computers to the society, the easier way of living and completing everyday tasks has become a trend for many industrial workers. (Deitel, et al, 2004, 15)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, as mentioned earlier, the development in the eyes of the ones who are in charge of the enhancement of the operating systems is never ending. Hence, although there were already some great achievements in terms of the developed operating systems, things got better each time there are new innovations introduced (Warford, 2005, 41). Most of the sectors of the entire society actually depended on technology ever since the time it was first introduced to the human civilization. It could not be denied then that among the said sectors are business entities.    The internet and World Wide Web: E-commerce infrastructure Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The e-marketing system is practically an approach that is developed using the present technological advancement particularly in the information technology field. This strategy utilizes primarily the communication elements of the information technology such as through interactive advertising, search engine marketing, blog marketing, display advertising, viral marketing, web postings, and others to promote the products, services and image of the business organization towards the public. In analyzing the e-marketing strategy of an online organization, it is important to intricately study the primarily the website of the said organization and the marketing principles embedded on it. By looking into their main website, one can critically know the structure, goals, operational approach, and other relevant facts of the organization, which are relevant facts for the development of the personal perception and image of the business for the public awareness. This website offers vast informations about the organization from their ideal goals, organizational nature, and even their business conditions, which can be derived from their downloadable annual and social responsibility report. In addition, the e-marketing approach of this website not only caters to the sale nature but also to the information campaign and human capital sourcing of the organization as offered by their options of fact sheets, employment opportunity awareness, and other services. In general, this website primarily becomes an effective marketing tool for the organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The e-marketing approach of the different organizations range from various strategies such as through their main website which promotes display advertising of their products, interactive marketing where the consumers can contact the organization for significant sales and business concerns, search engine marketing which offer the service of easing the browsing activity of the viewing public. As such, the website becomes both a promotional approach and a business related interactive medium for the business organizations wherein the latter can relate further to the needs and concerns of their target consumers. With regards the issue being noted herein, the questions that could be considered are as follows: How important is e-marketing and online shopping when it comes to the convenience of the consumers today? How effective are the approaches of the current e-marketing systems to the people of the current society? Are there possible ways to further the comfort of the people being serviced through online shopping? BUSINESS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Everything starts with a vision. From a vision comes plans, and from plans come fulfillment of the vision. Vision and plans are the primary elements for starting any business. An entrepreneur must posses the vision and determination needed for an individual to become successful within the business industry; however, these elements are not solely the needed requirements. Vision and plans are the abstract elements that contribute to business proceedings hence empowering the entrepreneur to continue whatever it is that he has started. The other elements include capital, land [place of business headquarters] and the people force.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The elements that were mentioned primarily give essence to the business itself. The capital is more on the monetary resource needed to start the business. At times, this particular resource comes from a group of entrepreneurs who decide to work together for a certain organization, or on the other hand, it is sourced out from loaning or from the pocket of the entrepreneur himself. At some point, the capital actually determines the scale of the business. Land or the area intended for the business headquarters is depending on what type of business is planned to be established. If the business is supposed to cater to several clients, there should be a place intended for them that would be much convenient for business transactions. However, if the business is online [which is at trend right now] or other home based businesses, the area of business branch would not be much of a problem since the transactions are to be done at any convenient place possible. The people force also depends on the scale of business that is being established.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whatever type of business is being established, it is necessary that the entrepreneurs see to it that the different sections of the business, especially that of the people force are well taken care of. The success of the business naturally depends on the ability of the entrepreneurs to balance the idealistic mission as well as the activities of the organization as a business entity. This as well includes the legalities of the organization and its close connection with the existing laws for business organizations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It could be noted that opening or establishing a business organization is not that easy to deal with. The first months of operation towards the first year usually deals with the different challenges of effective strategies created to put the organization within the existing competition. Entering a certain business organization and trying to make it within the business industry is a great challenge to everyone wanting to create a considerable reputation in the society. However, once these particular challenges have been successfully met by the new entrepreneurs, the continuous progress of the said new established organization could be assured. This though does not mean that developments are already to stop once the business has been established. As for a fact, the establishment should simply mark the beginning of the progressive developments intended to help the whole organization remain within competition as long as it exists within the business industry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From this particular section of the study, it could be observed that the primary reasons for establishing a business should not only be lead by the need or the want of the entrepreneurs in gaining profitable results form the business. It should be clear to the business entrepreneurs that the said operational act needs to receive ample time for planning and attention on the pros and cons of the situation. From this particular assessment of business opportunities, the possibility of creating a successful source of profit could be identified in a positive point of view.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It has been certainly stressed out that the different elements of business should be given careful attention within the planning procedures. Carefully giving the said elements ample time of observation shall give the entrepreneurs to make amends on the possible weak links that could cause the failure of the business in the future. Identifying the Marketing Approach to be Used Marketing is one particular branch of business that deals with all the promotional aspects of a certain business organization. At some point, this particular sector of the organization is perceived to have a certain group of experts attending to the said needs of the organization with regards promotion and advertising. Every kind of organization have their own marketing branch. This is specifically because of the fact that the incoming profit that the company expects from its clients is particularly empowered by the marketing strategies created by the marketing group.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whatever it is that the Marketing group plans shall determine the organization’s success in the industry. The ability of the said in-charged group in making amends for the organization’s ability to make it within the industrial competition in the business world shall make it possible for the business to make a considerable reputation that could attract the clients who are being targeted by the said organization. This is particularly the reason why business organizations both large-scale and small-scale make it a point that the marketing procedures that they carry on for the sake of business progression is given careful attention and as well as an ample amount of investment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Particularly, marketing is a business branch that sets the path for the organization as to how they are supposed to trod the journey of success in the industry that they are dealing with. The intensity of the procedures taken by marketing experts particularly pertains to the quality of the advertising procedures that the organization ought to take into consideration for actual operational purposes. It is in this particular sector of the organization that the fast release or distribution of the services or the products offered by the organization towards the clients could be determined.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Today, the level of competition that each business organization deals with in the human society is clearly identified by the progressive procedures taken by the marketing team of each business company. According to Website Marketing: â€Å"Marketing is a broad topic that covers a range of aspects, including advertising, public relations, sales, and promotions. People often confuse sales with marketing, when in fact the two are very different. The former involves getting a product or service into the market, promoting it, influencing behavior, and encouraging sales. Sales are the actual transaction of getting a product or service into the hands of your customers.† ( The strategies of marketing that each organization adapts into is primarily defined by the financial capabilities of the said business entity t o provide the services need by the clients that pertain to promotional operations. The strong impact of the marketing strategies also usually brings about the thought that the main target of the promotional presentations is the group of people in the society who are assumed by the organization to be the primary clients of the organization. It is their interest that should be the focus of the promotional interpretations and presentations. The strategies are indeed strongly differed through the identification of the target consumers or clients of the organization. The Website Marketing also adds: â€Å"Strategies in marketing have changed enormously since Jay Conrad Levinson introduced the guerrilla concept over 20 years ago. Tactics that were considered radical then are almost main stream now. With so many messages bombarding the consumer in the marketplace today, it is now more difficult than ever to get your product noticed, so marketers have learned to be creative.† ( Overall, marketing could then be noted as a source of established foundation for every business organization. The impact that it has on every established business group is a primary concern that brings about possible profitable sources to the different business organizations. Indeed, marketing and the operations that are made under this particular sector of the organization assure the whole business entity of the competitive standing of the entire organization within the business industries.   This is particularly the reason why it has been commented that: â€Å"Companies without a marketing mindset are at a disadvantage in todays business world. Those who are still centered around their products, rather than their customers, are doomed to fail.† The clients are the main target of marketing procedures, companies who are still starting and those who are already established who give lesser care in this aspect of business operations are indeed assured to have a hard time coping up with the existing competition within the industry. Getting through with all the RISKS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Planning the business and setting the marketing strategy to be used by the organization are simply the basic elements needed to create an organization that is intended to set sail in the journey towards global business engagements. TO be able to completely scale the capability of the organization to face the different challenges of dealing with the international market, it is necessary that the business entrepreneurs become aware of the impending issues needed to be dealt with during international business operations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What are the risks being referred to herein? According to Fredrick Wilcox â€Å"Progress always involves risk; you cannot steal second base and keep your foot on the first base†. This primarily implies the fact that there are several elements of success in business, especially concerning international relations that could not be met unless the entrepreneur meets the risks that come along with the primary developments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The elements of risks could be discussed as follows: Business Risks: Cost of Structure- The establishment of a certain business entity especially one that is made to face international transactions should and must be based on the financial capabilities of the owner. This particularly pertains to the available capital that is supposed to be the basis of how large or how small the scale of the business would be. It could be observed that through several organizations’ ability of identifying the costs that may affect their operations in the new venture of business that they would want to engage with would naturally identify the possible progress that they are hoping to meet in the future. Competition- Being ready for the already existing companies within the country that goes with the same industry is necessary for an international entrepreneur to be prepared about. In the internet technology, it could not be denied that there are already companies who are able to meet the challenges that are needed to have the needed and expected success on the said business venture. It is indeed necessary that several business organizations face the said competition with ample reputation and business strength that would allow them to undergo the challenges of the new business venture that they aim to engage with. Product Liability- the procedures of getting through with the laws in placing the products within the boarders of the other country should be one of the primary concerns of business entrepreneurs. Human Resource Management- Since the business would involve international engagements; it is simply reasonable to expect that the employees would be coming form international races as well. Managing this type of human resource group should then be carefully given attention by the organizational authorities. Clients or Customers- The demographics of the consumers, their interests and their product preferences should be among the main concerns of the business organization. Their culture and their wants basing on their traditions should be carefully noted by entrepreneurs to ensure their products of the market appreciation that it needs to be able to remain in business. Environmental Risks Economic- The economic situation of the neighboring country where a branch or a trade engagement is prepared to be conducted should be set in balance with the economic status of the original branch of the business. The balance shall help the business operators to set some standard procedures in dealing with the finances of the organization. Weather- The weather that is currently controlling the activities of the civilians of a certain country should be carefully given attention. This shall also determine the activities that are supposed to be taken in consideration by the business organization. Legalities and the Government- this particular element should be closely given clear attention as it is among the most important factors as well as the most crucial one as it primarily determines if the organization is to remain in a certain country or not, based on the ability of the organization to become connected with the laws of the said neighboring country. Considering all these elements of risk and being able to understand on how each one affects the business engagements of a certain organization in an International picture shall then help the entrepreneurs create the possibilities and the probabilities of the organization’s success in the multicultural market of consumers. The Internet Service Provision’s Business ABC’s   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The company that is to be observed at this point is the organization of Info Inc. which is a start up company wanting to venture in providing its major clients with internet based services that could be used as a source of informative materials in terms of accounting procedures, medical assistance and budget-wise programs that both business enthusiasts and the general public could use in their daily business and household needs and activities. As a company that is still starting in venturing within the said field, it is necessary for Info Inc to carry on the informations that were further discussed in this paper earlier. It could be noticed that the discussions point out the fact that establishing a new business operation for a certain existing business organization is indeed challenging especially when the business is supposed to handle a global market.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the organization aims to venture in a new business operation that they have not been used to in engaging, it is much beneficial to take notice of the fact that the organization needs to take into consideration several factors that would involve the adjustments of the whole body of employee of the said company. The shifting of the priority and the opening of the new arena of service that the company would provide its clients should then be identified as a primary factor that should be carried in constant addressing during the whole procedure of adjusting the organization’s focus. First to consider then is the type of internet servicing that the company should be involved into. This shall be discussed within the paragraphs that follow. Choosing the Type of Service   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To be able to reach the widest scope of market, Info Inc should invest in creating internet networked branches from different areas of the world. The company may not be required in creating an actual physical branch in the different parts of the world, but it is required to subscribe at a certain internet website host such as Google or yahoo, that would make their company much more accessible by the target market that they ought to serve. Choosing the right type of server or website support is very important. This is the reason why ample research on this matter should be carefully considered by the ones who are to establish the company’s website. The scope of the network should also be closely attended to as this would indicate the expected scope of audience or market that the company could reach out to. As mentioned earlier, marketing is an important way of regenerating a prospect market to get involved within a certain business company; however, lacking the needed access to reach the said clients may make this particular procedure of business operation impossible. Hence, being able to scale on which type of website support could give the best services to the company basing from its mission in connection with the market that it targets is very important to take into consideration. By doing so, the creators of the said business service-provision branch does not only introduces the company to a wider scope of market, but it also gives it a chance in gaining the peak rate of revenue that it could reach in an annual calculation. Creating the Website   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since the organization aims to attract business enthusiasts and household members, the presentation of the website should cater to what they are actually interested in. This is where the art of marketing begins o enter the scene. Moat likely, it could be observed that the more attractive and interesting the website looks like, the more it is being viewed by Internet surfers. This is [particularly the reason why the website of the company should highlight the strength of the company and the idealisms that it has that may attract the concerns of the market. Constant attendance to what the target market wants to know about the company and about their services shall help the creators and programmers of the website have an idea on what they should actually set as features to the said website.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It must also occur among the creators that the insistence of the website’s becoming a user-friendly system is an important part of the feature of the said internet address. This would certainly allow the users, whether they are computer literate or not to have an easy access on what is actually being offered by the organization through their online network. Counting the Benefits   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Having a company’s own website in the internet is like having a legitimate virtual address that would cater to mostly different people from around the world. As globalization opens its doorways to major new waves of business engagements, it could be observed that there are different benefits that the Internet operations bring the different business organizations that use the services provided by the said virtual community. Most of the company’s which do not even have physical establishments are already known because o their internet-based operations. This fact shall help Info Inc in realizing the fact that opening their doors to a more liberated procedure of operating within the business transactions that they want to offer their clients is an important part of their company’s growth as a major business entity. Counting the Costs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To be able to understand the plan further, it is important to lay the finances and budgeting procedures needed to support that project that is being proposed for Info Inc to take into consideration. What are the particular elements of financing that needs to be considered? Creating the Website   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a need to hire an expert to at least program the website. The fact that there are different features of presentations that are planned to be embedded within the presentation of the website primarily to attract the clients, there needs to be the existence of professional help for this matter. This then requires a minimal yet reasonable payment for labor. Funding the Website   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Usually, the fees for website maintenance are paid annually. The company should then prepare itself in facing responsibilities such as this. Advertising through Search Engines   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The more exposure the site gets, the more surfers it could invite. From this particular fact, it could be noted that funding the site’s fees is indeed worthwhile, as that particular fee shall allow the link to the website to appear several times with the utilization of several key words encoded by the internet surfers when they are seeking the help of major search engines in the internet. Training the Operators of the Web   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There should always be a standing support specialist that is ready to assist customers in their issues about the services offered by the company. Once the company ventures to this particular type of business operation, it should then occur to them that the importance of placing expert support technicians as well as product or service specialists should constantly be available incase interested client needs assistance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If the values of the cost-causing elements mentioned herein shall be examined, it could be observed that the fees are all reasonable enough of paying on the part of the company’s financing group. Most likely, this is because of the much reasonable returns that the said fees are expected to return to the entire company’s business system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Handling such responsibilities in a much more positive outlook shall indeed help the administration of the organization realize of their importance as major player within the worldwide economy. The operations that they are expected to handle through inline communications shall not only increase their capabilities of handling challenges but could also help them grow as a business entity that is able to face the challenges of the globalization era. CLIENTS AND ONLINE CONSUMERISM Online consumerism is one of today’s major innovative leaps in terms of commercialism. The use of the Internet as a major medium for trading and monetary transactions has been among the major advancements of technology and real life in the human society. Each business organization relies on their respective aspects to promote their services and products in the market. Each marketing aspect range from various strategies and approaches to entice, promote and imply an ideal nature of their products and services to the consuming public to generate a business transaction between the two parties. Each business transaction in turn will generate the desire income by the organization, which is relevant for their operation development and profit generation. As such, each organization must create an effective and efficient marketing tool towards their target public, which will address the important communication and business elements in their economic transaction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most effective marketing approaches in the present are the strategies that address the key communication elements of the public. These strategies manifests to be reliable marketing medium that inform, relates and considers the consuming public to be significant part of the organizational structure and their subsequent operations. On the practical sense, these strategies are characterized to be publicly open for the society wherein they are easily and readily accessible for the interesting consumers. In part, these marketing strategies not only cater to the marketing nature but also to the other relevant part of the organizational structure such as human resources, customer service and public relations. On this field of effective marketing approaches, the e-marketing system manifests to be both an effective and efficient strategy for contemporary business organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the analysis of the e-marketing strategies, it is strongly concluded that marketing and promotional activities utilizing the advancement of the field of information technology is an effective approach for contemporary business organization. Through the use of this significant medium, organization can promote further their products and services and developing their ideal business nature in the social aspect which in turn, has a significant impact upon the organization’s success. Indeed, marketing using online or internet technology relates further the business organization to the global audience for more effective and efficient business operation for the economic success of the organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although the past have already placed a strong impact on how the people viewed business operations done through the Internet, several business enthusiasts never ceased finding ways by which they would be able to attain success within the said industry. Many among the business owners around the world still believe in the benefits that investing in online business ventures would naturally bring their organizations. As for a fact, the said situation is quickly becoming a trend both among organizations that are already established and the business and even those business entities that are just starting to join the said competitive industry. Most of the benefits that the said system of business transacting has mainly attracted investors as well as stockholders in making a great decision of joining in the process of industrial change though the innovative integration of technology within the system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To understand this claim further, a diagrammatic presentation shall be shown herein:    Diagram 1: Efects of Information Technology in the relationship between clients and business organizations Diagram Analysis:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the presentation made above, it could be observed that the reason behind the business entities joining the band wagon of taking advantage of the provisions of science and technology in the modern society is indeed worthwhile. As it could be seen, the five major effects that have been presented through the diagram actually directly affect the growth rate of the organizations in a modern society. This is indeed an attractive provision that IT could ever offer business entities.    Chapter 5:DISCUSSION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Today many people once bewildered by the stock market are investing in stocks. Why? For one thing, the Internet has enabled investors to access in moment’s financial news, investment advice, and stockbrokers. Paul Farrell, editor in chief of Wall Street News, writes: â€Å"For [individual investors], cyberspace investing is the new frontier, the new gold rush, the freedom to be yourself, with the opportunity to become financially independent while working at home.† Along with the blooming of the Internet systems, commerce also took the chance to be a part of a very promising source of profit for many business firms. To do this, there existed a birth to the business arena. Many people who would rather invest on a business than to be employed in a company took chances on investing in this kind of business. But as years passed, the hoped to be â€Å"tiger† market that would hit sky high revenues for the firms taking part on it fell apart. How is this possible? And how could this kind of market have been saved? The following paragraphs shall discuss the said topic further.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During the earlier times of the introduction of Internet, it was seen that this kind of communication could enable many people to connect to each other from far places in the world. The said idea on worldwide interconnection gave many businessmen the thought that using the worldwide web would help their companies and other business firms to reach their potential revenues and income at a very minimal time or better yet, even double or triple the income they have expected.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With this, the business arena was given birth. It is more likely that the investors who invested in this kind of economic environment were the ones who realized that new business models would soon arise based on the possibilities of Internet commerce or more popularly known as E-commerce. As a result of wanting to be the first ones to gain profit from the said provisions of this new technology, they risked thousands of dollars to invest in the said Internet market.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first years of the operation of the market paved way to many sellers of products and services to be connected to many consumers worldwide. Obviously though, among the three major gainers of profit in this kind of market are several internet-help companies. The said technology groups are the Internet and Network Infrastructure which hosts the construction of official websites posted through the net, the Internet Tools such as Netsacape which assists on the navigation process in the Internet, and the Internet-direct consumer websites such as Yahoo! which allows numerous ads to be posted through their website.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Between the years 1998-1999, the interest rates on putting up e-commerce firms were way affordable for many investors. This is the reason why many inexperienced businessmen chose to loin this market as a beginning of joining the business industry. Although many of the said investors had concrete and realistic plans regarding a business, most of them lacked administrative abilities. On the other hand, inviting investors to join the Internet market had been easier through the use of offering great promises and benefits that the web hosts post to attract the prospect businessmen (Warford, 2005, 45). True, this way of luring investors worked pretty well. As proved by the many growing e-commerce members during the years 1998-1999, the industry continued to flourish. To recognize the best Internet websites that are present in the e-commerce industry, there had been an annual awarding of the top websites of the year. It started on the year 1995, which was characterized by extravagant programs and undeniably expensive presentations. It was annually held in San Francisco California near the heart of the Silicon Valley. The said event has peaked during the year 2001 when thousands of attendance joined the lucrative awarding. When the year 2003 came in, the celebration became somber due to lower attendance not to mention that some of the nominees are not able to attend the event because of company belt-tightening and the fear of loosing their jobs. This is more likely because of the high interest rates that the Internet web hosts are already putting on the investors to continuously operate in the system (Silberschatz, 2004, 15). This event showed that the industry is not as productive as it was before anymore. As a fact, many of its members already lost on the investments they preempted to be bringing them great profits. Chapter 6: Conclusion and Summary Entering the arena of international business venture is indeed not an easy task for business entrepreneurs. However, because of the main focus of globalization in empowering dreamers of the said industry helps much in assisting entrepreneurs in seeing the possibilities of enlarging the scope of their territories of profitable areas through stretching their business activities towards the other countries around the globe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It could not be denied though that the procedure of international business looks much inviting, it should not be forgotten that the risks are highly challenging, hence encouraging the entrepreneurs to apply clear control of the situation through applying the needed skills to face the challenges of the international business transactions. Expanding the business in this procedure is indeed promising; however, careful consideration on the elements of risk should be given clear attention by the hopeful business entrepreneurs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the discussion and the presentations made in this paper, it could be observed that there is indeed a need for business entities to take the risks in making it within the industry of virtual business. Making their business services and products available through the Internet for the sake of advertising or even selling as it is would surely offer the organizations a progressive future in the fields that they are joined with. Certainly, the innovations brought about by information technology actually radically changed the economic trade of the entire global state of business industries. This is the reason why a particular entrepreneur trying to make the business scene in the current era of globalization needs to know the basic of computer applications and internet system operations for their business organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Certainly, because of the more improved system of consumerism featured through online business operations, click businesses become highly effective in affecting the human society today. It could still not be denied though that there are still some satisfactions that brick or physically established systems of business today give its consumers. Through this conclusion, it should be understood that both brick and click businesses should exist in balance to allow consumer satisfaction all over the world in accordance with the different elements contributing to modern globalization. References: Internet Sources: BBC News. 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